Compliance and Security
Security is at the heart of everything we do.
Our robust systems are consistently updated and maintained to meet or exceed industry standards, so you can rest easy knowing your business is in good hands.
PCI Certified Gateway
PCI DSS Level 1 Compliance
Our Payment Gateway is validated PCI DSS Level 1. This is the industry’s highest level of certification. Reviewed annually, an intensive onsite audit ensures the highest compliance standards for your business.
All businesses dealing with the storage, processing or transmission of cardholder data are required by credit card companies to meet the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards or PCI DSS version 1.2. These security standards govern compliance with 12 standards that cover network security, protection of stored cardholder data, safeguarding against system vulnerabilities, having in place strong access controls to data, network testing and policies on information security.
Security and reliability
Prohibited data storage
Complying with the strictest industry standards, TCA does not store raw magnetic-stripe (Track 2), card data.
Our online systems are probed from all over the world at least every five minutes to assess availability and reliability. Our infrastructure is constantly monitored by a series of monitoring platforms to alert our system engineers of any predictive failures, warnings or errors.
Our core infrastructure has been designed with high levels of redundancy possible. All compiled data is stored on a RAID based SAN system.